(Automechanika Tashkent 2024)
展位号: A236
展会日期: 2024年10月23日-25日
展会地点: 乌兹别克斯坦, 塔什干
展馆名称: Central Asian Expo (CAEx),Tashkent, Uzbekistan
展馆地址: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, “Central Asian Expo (CAEx)”, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Milliy Bog street, 1
3SFGS企Q300 832 269首届乌兹别克斯坦(塔什干)国际汽车零部件、汽车技术及服务展览会(Automechanika Tashkent 2024)于2024年10月23-25日在位于乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干的中亚展览中心(CAEx)全新亮相!作为Automechanika全球系列展览会时隔五年重磅推出的首个新展, Automechanika Tashkent势必将成为中亚市场不可错过的又一行业盛会!有来自俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、波兰、意大利、法国、印度和土耳其的参展商参展,是中亚地区规模最大、最具国际化的同类展览会。受益于法兰克福展览全球销售和推广网络的支持,该展会将成为中国企业开拓中亚市场的又一个重要平台。
China-Lutong Machinery Works Co., Ltd manufactures fuel Injection including EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection), CR (Common Rail Fuel Injection) and High-Pressure Pumps (HPP). All China-Lutong fuel Injection products released to the aftermarket are OE fit, form and function, and are produced to OE specifications, get the new standard in fuel injection with China-Lutong 's fuel injection kits and EFI systems.
Our majored products are Head Rotor (VE Pump Parts) , Hydraulic Head Suitable on Delphi Lucas DPA / DPS / DP200 / DP210 and DP310 CAV , pump head (VE pump head), nozzle, plunger, valve, injector, common rail system’s accessories.
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